Manage the physical layer with the advanced physical layer diagnostics (ADM) by Pepperl+Fuchs.
With the advanced diagnostic module (ADM), Pepperl+Fuchs offers enhanced FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 physical layer diagnostics. The ADM automates commissioning and documentation, monitors the fieldbus segment online, and identifies faults in realtime.
This added functionality is fully integrated in Emerson's AMS Suite, and is designed to monitor the physical layer as an integral part of AMS.
As an online and centralized automation asset management system, AMS helps both operators and maintenance personnel prevent downtime, and reduces maintenance costs for operational excellence.
With ADM by Pepperl+Fuchs, an embedded expert system learns and interprets the electric values and behaviour of each segment. Plant maintenance receives early, easy-to-understand warnings. This offers a wealth of benefits and is supported by simple user display:
- Accelerated segment commissioning: due to FieldConnex advanced diagnostics, Delta V/AMS Suite allows remote segment testing and documentation - eliminating numerous time-consuming and repetitive tasks.
- Improved plant availability: the fieldbus physical layer is monitored continuously. Critical conditions are detected at an early stage. This allows corrective measures before there is any impact on plant operation.
- Expert system for fast troubleshooting: in case of an alarm condition, incident-related information describes the nature of the problem and suggests remedies. This accelerates troubleshooting by service technicians.

Pepperl+Fuchs' FieldConnex diagnostic gateway is the interface between stationary advanced diagnostic modules (ADM) and the control system. It offers access to all ADM data in two ways: via Ethernet and the diagnostic manager software or via FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 and DTM/EDD or both. Commissioning functions of gateways and modules are widely automated, significantly simplifying typical engineering procedures.

This diagnostic gateway offers the same features as the KT-MB-GT2AD.FF with the addition of inputs for frequency, temperature, humidity, NAMUR sensors, and 2 relay contacts. Thus, the cabinet and physical layer diagnostics become easy-to-manage plant assets.

The fieldbus diagnostic handheld (FDH-1) is the only portable solution with embedded expert system. For novice and experienced Emerson fieldbus users alike, the FDH-1 offers functions to check and monitor the quality of the fieldbus physical layer. It allows you to check the installation with the push of a button and gives you precise advice through clear-text messages.